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the expanding sabelverse

an exhibition of fine art quilts

~A posthumous collaboration with the venerable Ann Shulgin~

These pieces are available. Please email info@sabelroseregalia to connect!

In July 2022, upon her passing, I had the immense honor of acquiring the glorious fabric stash of visionary author and Bay Area artist Ann Shulgin. In addition to her enormous contributions to the therapeutic psychedelic science community the past 60 years, Ann had a drive to create colorful beauty around her. She squirreled away bins of gorgeous fabrics and shiny notions to use when inspiration struck, and her family wished to pass the collection on to an artist who would breathe fresh life into her textiles. 

In an effort to further amplify Ann’s cosmic pulse, I graciously created a body of work made almost entirely from her collection. These quilted portals are an illustration of my admiration for Ann and the beautiful community that continues to blossom among us.

The portal pieces named “Plus Four: Participation Mystique…” are a hat-tip to the Shulgin Rating Scale, as described by husband Alexander Shulgin on page 963 in their co-authored book Pihkal: 

“Plus Four, n. (++++) A rare and precious transcendental state, which has been called a "peak experience," a "religious experience," "divine transformation," a "state of Samadhi" and many other names in other cultures…It is a state of bliss, a participation mystique, a connectedness with both the interior and exterior universes, which has come about after the ingestion of a psychedelic drug, but which is not necessarily repeatable with a subsequent ingestion of that same drug.”

The “Trusting Telescopes” pieces refer to the idea of having wild psychedelic (or not) experiences and trusting your revelations, integrating the telescope of your own eyes, inward and outward. There’s beautiful colors and shapes to see!

Sabel Rose Regalia is a quilt artist in Sonoma County, CA. She finds magic in the electric space between very sharp objects and very soft fabric. Sabel cultivates sanctuary with her vibrant custom quilts, channeling mathematical cosmic impulses for folks who celebrate life. You can find her unique post-psychedelic cosmo-gothique style online at or Instagram @sabelroseup.

above: 2022 custom commission for mike and mary. ~nfs

below: 2022 custom commision for juniper and dani ~nfs

above: custom commission for kanai, 2022. ~nfs

I make transformational quilts for your healing and liberation.

Custom Quilt commissions


Ready-made pieces