I’m Sabel Rose


I make quilts and functional art for folks of all ages using quality fabrics that can be snuggled with for generations. My quilts offer sanctuary, healing, and liberation, through designs channeled from the cosmos, by way of my open heart, to you.

I thrive in the industrious and detailed aspects of quilting, and am captivated within that fine space where very sharp tools meet very soft fabric. By creating quilts and wall hangings made of bright, bold colors and geometric illusions, I work to refresh and build upon the classic American quilt block patterns you might recognize from your family heirlooms. 

Influenced by my brilliant architect father and my zany bohemian quilter grandmother, I began using fabric as a creative medium during my early teenage years. Being able to apply my geometry and algebra lessons to an art form stoked a flame in my heart originally lit back when my father taught me the order of the colors in the rainbow as a little girl. Math, precision cutting, and a rich spectrum all fused together with tidy seams under the comforting hum of my machine is where I still find purpose.

 To inspire is to breathe air into

I’m inspired by everything I tend: my flower garden, my dog named Flower, my friends, my friend’s dogs. I’m inspired by the birds everywhere but especially the ones in my birdbath. I’m inspired by the web of power lines that cut through the sky in my backyard, creating a cross-section of geometry that I crave to replicate. The negative space formed by the dishes in the sink against the white dish tub is perfect, and the herbicide-soaked dying grass whizzing by on the highway is the most stunning ombre that fades from a lush bright green, to yellow, to neon orange. Humans are toxic and also gorgeous, complex and simple, asleep and awake. Observing and embracing the dichotomy truly keeps the air around me fresh, and I breathe it into my quilts. 


 My art is a physical manifestation
of the frequency of my heart…

And I would be remiss if I did not mention my Ren Xue and Yuan Qigong practice. Ren Xue is a system of life cultivation which helps practitioners achieve a greater sense of well being, wisdom, and harmony within. Consciously removing barriers to our heart through subconscious pattern work and qigong leads to the cultivation of heart qualities like trust, openness, love, gratitude and deep respect. I’m progressing in the teacher training program and aim to offer guidance to others in the near future. Simply put, I maintain my heart like how I maintain my sewing machines.


My quilts are cross sections of the unique frequency I’m channeling

Cymatics is the study of sound and vibration made visible, often illustrated as sand on the surface of a drum. Geometric designs form as the surface vibrates with sound and other variables. I explain my art as a cymatic pattern of not just a sound wave, but of the energy emitted during the collaboration between myself, my client, and the intention we are setting: a unique psychic frequency trapping of color, texture and shape. 

I create to uplift and to celebrate
I create to break stagnation amidst a collectively stuck spirit

I seek to relieve tension amidst a chaotic and churning culture where injustice, intolerance, and scarcity are undeniable. My art is a response, a refraction of my experience in community. I am a living prism, taking in light, rising in rainbows, celebrating the full human spectrum. I hope for us all to connect through a mutual appreciation of color. I hope to help lift us up out of stuck patterns and old ways by offering design which reverberates. 


 My studio in Petaluma, CA, is my temple, where my relationship with the creative divine is strengthened as each quilt comes through me

There are designs for each one of you. The patterns, colors and ideas already exist in spirit form, and I believe they are seeking an artist to escort them into the material form. I'm simply making myself available for the work, for myself, for you.

Quilts seem to be a necessary outlet for Sabel’s vivid perspective. Art that is handed down from mother’s mother and needs to be made, held and seen. A mathematical map of her garden, uniquely psychedelic, clever and satisfying. The quilts are portraits of their subject. Her quilts look just like her.” -Aerin Wyze